In the days of our Lord’s earthly ministry and the early years of his Church there were many who labored in the background to support and care for those who were spreading the Word of God. That need ever exists, and St. John’s Auxiliary has been blessed to help provide that support throughout the history of our parish.
The Auxiliary is authorized by, and reports to the Parish Council. The mission of the Auxiliary is to offer emotional and financial support for our parish family, through fellowship and social activities, and acting as hostess for various events at St. John’s. The Auxiliary on average has 15 to 20 active members but is open to all members of the Parish including men. New members are always desired, and most welcome!
We are a baking and cooking ministry. Using the traditional recipes and skills of our members to prepare specialty foods, popular with parishioners and non-parishioners alike, we are blessed with the means to raise considerable funds for our parish and charities. Through several seasonal bake sales and year-round ethnic food sales, the Auxiliary has established a following that serves as an outreach for our faith. The Auxiliary also runs our successful Scrip Card sales program which provides an additional income source for the parish. Our members always assist with the needs of our family through prayers for those in distress, prayer quilts reverently sewn, and repasts and other meals during stressful times.
Since the beginnings at St. John’s the Auxiliary has been one of the largest if not the largest contributor both financially and emotionally to the life of the Church. Besides the monthly pledge to the operating fund the Auxiliary has always stepped forward to purchase needed items such as vestments, altar server robes, icons, kitchen equipment, gifts for clergy and church school students, and donations to seminaries and charities.
St. John’s Auxiliary is truly thankful for God’s Blessings, bestowed upon us in the form of the love, hard work and dedication of our members past and present. We pray that we will always be able to respond when called upon, with Joy and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!
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